Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The hills

I don't know when I took this photo. It must have been months ago, I don't even recall being here. It looks like the hills of Mt. Rubidoux, and it might have been when I went walking at Fairmont Park. I love how the filter toned down the sky, the negative was somewhat thin. I don't know why I have those marks to the right, I think I might have touched the emulsion when I was loading the film. This negative was very clear, there was not residual anti-halation smudge the way I am obtaining with my other negatives. 

Look forward to returning to this place. I would like to try that same shot, but with infrared film. I think it would really pop that tree to the right, and maybe, much of the grasses and bushes. I bought two packs of Rollei 4x5 infrared film today, so I will have 50 sheets to use for the next few months. Now is the time to use it, during the summer when we are blasted with light, although today, as was the case for these last two weeks, we have had dull skies due to the ash gloom from the fires.

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