Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Two more from Heritage Park

 Last ones from Heritage Park. I have not corrected the orientation (i.e. flipped them), but I will upload here to have a complete record. They actually look very good in the full 4x5 size. I can't wait to scan them again when I receive my Pixl-latr. These are, as always, partial scans with my Epson V600. These were taken with HP5+ film. There is no violet anti-halation smear in the back the way I obtain with my Arista 200 film. I love the clean look of these photos, especially the first one.

Yes, I see it, there is a hair on the lower right-hand edge. I will have to see if I can remove it the next time I scan this. The windmill at Heritage Park, but with a satellite dish on top.

And the house surrounded by cacti on the other edge of the park. I have to work harder to frame this correctly. I tried a lower vantage point to try to hide the open area in front of the house, but it didn't work. Nonetheless, in full size this negative looks great.

These were taken, once again, with my Travelwide 4x5 camera. I want so desperately to be able to take them with the 8x10 camera I want to purchase from the designer in Norway, but I have received no update. He is supposed to be still perfecting his design, but instead, I saw he posted today that he had perfected a design for an 8x10 developing tube. So, the Willtravel 8x10 has gone by the wayside. If so, no worries. I will buy the Super Angulon 121mm f8 lens and find a way to mount it on my pinhole camera. Trouble is, the front is aluminum, so I don't know how I will cut through that, but I'll find a way, even if I have to go to a machinist shop. I will have to start relying only on myself. There are other 8x10 point and shoot camera options out there, such as the Fotoman ($3,000) or the Alvandi ($2,000), which are out of my league. In that case, I might as well just buy the Intrepid Mark IV. Not point and shoot, though. That is why I am holding off on buying the lens. 

It is getting dark outside. It is 6:50 p.m., and tomorrow is my weekly Armaggedon. Two Zoom classes await me tomorrow. 

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