Friday, September 11, 2020

The garden as 8x10

 Here is the scanned image of the Japanese Garden. I think I found a good vantage point, but it was very unwieldy setting up the tripod there. I was using Catlabs 80 film, which is supposed to be rated at 80 ISO but people on the web recommend we rate it at 50. All I knew is that, if I am getting good exposures in direct sunlight with Arista 200 film with 2 minutes, I would roughly quadruple that to get my exposure with this film (two stops, from 200 iso to 50 iso). But I lost patience, I thought at at any moment some security officers would descend on me and admonish me about trampling on some of the plants, and only counted to 230 seconds. It turned out to the wrong decision. I think I would have needed maybe five more minutes. (The conditions were not sunny 16 either.) We also have the ash gloom to blame, and even on the brightest of days, this place is ordinarily shady.  I developed at home giving it 10 minutes in F76 developer. Maybe I should have pushed development to 12 or 13 minutes, but I thought I had a fighting chance of getting a good exposure with what I gave it. Next time I will know, Catlabs film needs light (and patience!)

I felt disappointed when I saw this in the tray. Big areas of little to no exposure. It was a partial failure. There should be two turtles on one of the rocks, I will zoom in on my original and see if I can find them. That would mitigate the failure. The turtles were being so cooperative to by not moving during the long exposure.

I don't know what those dark fingers are doing on the left. Could it have been that underexposed? But I seem to have at least some image.

I still want an 8x10 camera with a real lens. However, I can't afford it. Now I am also on the lookout for a G Claron 240mm lens, which is more affordable, but I won't buy a lens until I have a camera, if only because the camera outfit I choose to buy might have a lens included. 

Tomorrow, I was hoping to go to San Diego, but I don't want to go anywhere. Right now, I am having heart twinges that worry me. I am going to take some "baby" aspirin. I really need to get my heart checked out, I am getting more and more worried. Good night.

P.S. Nope, not enough resolution to see the turtles. They are blurry shapes. I need a real 8x10 camera with a real lens.

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