Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Stream of consciousness

I went to buy Rollei Infrared film to Santa Fe Springs last Friday, Sept. 18th, and of course, whenever I go, I have to visit nearby Heritage Park. I actually was going with the intention of photographing the Clarke Estate, which according to wrong information on the web, was supposed to be open for a few hours that Friday. It wasn't, it was closed and had been closed for months. The city authorities are not updating their site, and the same happened with the Fullerton Arboretum I tried to visit a few weeks ago.

No matter, Heritage Park gives me peace and a variety of photographic subjects. In this case, I finally ventured down into the Tongva Indian area which recreates a dwelling they might have used (before they were assuredly massacred by white settlers). There is also a stream there, and I set up my 8x10 pinhole camera (f500) to take an image with Arista 200 film.

It would be a long exposure, I knew that. The scene had much shade, and it was by no means being evenly lit up by the sun. I knew that my standard 2-3 minutes would be no good, so I gave it ten minutes of exposure while I wandered around the area. There were almost no other people there, a few in other areas, but I guess they respected me while I was taking the photo. Only a few people passed through while I tried to monitor my big camera. Fortunately, there was little wind or breeze either, and so, there was no shake to the camera.

This is the exposure I obtained. I think it was adequate, now I am getting a feel for the times necessary for using this 8x10 pinhole camera. The only thing is, the image is too blurry, even more than is acceptable for a pinhole image. I want sharper images, and more convenient times for exposures so that I don't have to be waiting for ten minutes. 

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