Saturday, September 5, 2020

The mountain with the cross on top

 Here is an 8x10 image of Mt. Rubidoux that I took on Friday, Sept. 4th. It was a busy day with the YOLO regime! No more for me, when you feel you are forced to have to do things all the time, then it becomes work, not pleasure.

I found a location at the foot of the mountain. There was not point in even trying to climb, my tripod and camera were too heavy and it was hot as heck. I just found an improvised location and timed it, I think, for two minutes. 

I think the negative must be overexposed. Maybe with a professional scan I can get details out of the blown out highlight areas. I am not scanning professionally, I am just using my Epson V600 in office mode, which means, placing the negative on the flatbed, putting sheets of paper on top, and scanning at 1200 dpi (the highest I can scan in office mode).

I tried to invert this negative but could not do so successfully with the modest image software I have. I do love the purplish color, though (I did not desaturate the negative). What is the line in the top and center? I wonder. I do like this image, though.

When better times return, and they will have to return, I want to go out to Mt. Rubidoux once again with the 8x10 pinhole. I want to go to the top and take photos of the area with the stone tower and little bridge. I will have to lug an anchor up there, by which I am referring to the tripod principally, but I think I can do it. When Covid is vanquished, or at least controlled, though. 

Today, staying at home in the air-conditioning. No point venturing out, not even to CPP to take photos, because by the time I get ready and leave at 1 or 2 p.m., it will be 110 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Out of the frying pan and sticking to home. 

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