Sunday, September 20, 2020

Japanese Garden at the Huntington Library

 I thought I would include one more photo. This is the Japanese Garden at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. It was taken with Arista 200 film, and once again, I had that green halogen layer smear that turns violet after washing. It doesn't go away, it is a long streak in the middle, and it lightens that area when it is scanned, so what I get is a ruined images. After having developed the Rollei 400 infrared negatives and the HP5+ negatives in that same development reel, and not getting these smears, it is pretty obvious to me that it is the film. I don't even want to use the rest of those exposures. 

Basically the shots are ruined. I have the long light streak in the middle which is very obvious. 

I will buy a box of the Fomapan 100 film, maybe it will be better. It is supposed to be the same film, what is what many people say on the web, but it costs more. Maybe quality control is better. I cannot afford to switch entirely to HP5+, that film is expensive. So, I will try the Fomapan. Oh, and I do want another two boxes of Rollei IR film. There goes all my money.

As they say, buy film and stay poor. 

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