Saturday, September 19, 2020

One more from the park

 Here is one more image from the park in Santa Fe Springs. I was there on Friday, Sept. 18th, the day supreme court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away. When I heard about it yesterday, it was gut-wrenching. I can't stop thinking about it, and about how Trump is going to have a chance to fill a third supreme court justice position. While others post about the small jolt (4.8 on Richter scale) that we had last night, I can't stop shaking because of this news. It is bad.

Here is the image. I developed it yesterday but left it overnight to dry in the bathroom. 

Yes, it is 4x5, but I can only scan the central portion with my scanner (Epson V600). The contrast range is too great. The sun was lighting up the pond to the left, and it gives me this very bright area that is washed out. I handheld the exposure, and think I used 1/15th because of the gloominess in the trees. I think I was able to pick out adequate shadow areas, but the lesson is, do not photograph high contrast scenes. I know that, of course, but I wanted to try this shot anyway, and I didn't know where to go to get a better shot unless I waded into the middle of the pond and thus bypassed the areas where the sun was lighting. But no, I won't do that (although I could have taken off my sneakers and socks and done it, since the pond was not deep), because we need to protect these areas and not step into them.

Well, I was thinking of going out somewhere today. It is a very bright day and the ashen gloom in the sky has disappeared. I am sure the fires are still ranging in different areas, but they are being controlled now, so bright, clear skies are in evidence. It will be hot again, it was about 100 degrees Fahrenheit yesterday. I might go out somewhere, but I am not sure. People will be out in droves this weekend, this is very, very nice weather (except for the heat at 2 p.m.). Of course I have many things to grade as well. Work is always on my mind, but the passing of the justice really upsets me. I need to find something to do to get my mind off this. 

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