Tuesday, September 8, 2020

San Luis Rey Mission as 8x10 pinhole

This was my first shot with the 8x10 pinhole camera when I arrived at San Luis Rey Mission on Monday, Sept. 7th. I knew I could stake out this scene, all the better because the shrubs blocked out the people standing in the entrance to the church. I gave it three minutes of exposure, not two, because of the gloom provoked by the inland fires. I was using the wood film holder, but I suspect it gashed out the negative. I have to confirm this, and if so, it is time to throw it away.

It was a wonderful afternoon, not searingly hot as it had been on Sunday, a day which will stay in my memory for a long time. Sometimes I feel like just lying down in the shade under a tree and looking up at the sky. There were only a few people, but of the few that were there, they were napping away with abandon with their cameras. That is the digital effect, when you have unlimited frames at your disposal, you feel the compulsion to get as much as you can, and so, people have been transformed into clicking machines. I know that happened to me, but I am moving away from that since I have dived back into film. 

I still have two more negatives and a few 4x5 frames to develop from this trip. 

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