Monday, February 8, 2021

After the MRI

 Yes, I had my MRI procedure this morning. As I left the city called Crown I drove through a dense fog, so dense it was like the ones I remembered as a child, when you could barely see across the street and the busses would be late. I always loved those days, it felt exciting, but not this time, the conditions were far too dangerous on the 91 freeway driving east. Traffic was light, in the morning rush hour goes in the opposite direction, but still, we were shrouded deeply in fog, but it cleared up magically past the 15 interchange, and soon, I was arriving at Kaiser.

My appointment was for 8:00 a.m., and I was there at 7:30, but they didn't call me in until 8:25. The technician had difficulty inserted the catheter where they would be pumping a dye, and it took him three tries, but finally, it was done, and then, I was entombed again and had to be breathing in and out and holding my breath. I don't like it, but it has to be done. 

When I left, I was hungry. My driver side front tire needs to be inflated, but I guess I will do it another day. It always deflates. I drove to Albertos, had a meal I've been wanting to have for a while, then, since I was on Magnolia avenue, I drove to the Riverwalk and took some photos with my Kraken. I don't know if they will be in focus, I have much difficulty with the setting and it will not focus on infinity. It does focus fine at closer distances, so I resolved not to compose infinity shots, instead, I would use f22 and focus on bushes of flowers. I hope I have something. I took two black and white rolls of 120 film, one Acros, another HP5+. I wanted to develop them today but no, after arriving home, I just took a long nap.

Here are some cellphone snapshots of my walk along the Riverwalk. I have the feeling I will be verily disappointed with my Kraken shots, but at least I enjoyed the walk after my MRI.

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