Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Problematic Pumpkin Promises Problems

 Sorry for the alliteration in the title. Here are the problematic 4x5 black and white negatives I took yesterday (Tuesday) when I climbed up Mt. Tim Burton, or rather, on the hike up to Pumpkin 
Rock in Norco. I developed them yesterday and saw that they were extraordinarily thin, there was hardly anything there, like Gertrude Stein is supposed to have sniffed about the provincial central California towns. I think I know what happened. I was using Foma 4x5 film at ISO 100, but really, it should be rated at 80 or lower. I was also using a red 25A filter, which cuts out another 2-3 stops, plus using f16, which was a no-no, so in essence, I starved the negatives of photos, and the came out thin. That, or it was the curse of the Great Pumpkin. And Epson, because the scans came out with more spots than stars found in the center of the galaxy. 

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