Sunday, February 14, 2021

More from Redondo Beach with the Fuji GW690ii

 Here are the last three images from this roll, taken with Ilford HP5+ on my last trip to the Redondo Beach Pier. This was a misty, foggy morning, but the camera performed well. There is some fungus on the lens, though, and it affects the images, all my images. It is not on the surface, it is inside the lens, and it might also be some oil. It has been affecting all my images because it results in a brighter patch in each composition where the blotch blocks some of the light entering the lens. I will have to find a camera technician to clean it up, but not at the cost of the camera itself ($230). If I do that, I will repeat my mistake when I sent my Minolta Autocord to be CLAd and Karl and I ended up paying over twice what the camera had cost me (and with the additional problem that it no longer seems to focus at infinity). But here are my Redondo Beach images, just scanned on my Epson V600.

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