Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hidden Valley in digital black and white

I've taken to taping my red 25A filter to the front of my kit lens for my Nikon D750. Why didn't I think of this before? It works, I get the filter effect that darkens the sky, plus the camera can and does focus correctly! And no spending so much money on black and white film and chemicals nor so much time developing and scanning the images. I should not have neglected my D750 nor my other digital cameras (I also have a Canon digital setup). Now, it is too late for the big $300 expenditure of film I made last week, I will have to bite that bullet, but for now, I really don't want to spend more money on film unless it is for large format (4x5 or 8x10). Although lately, for almost six weeks, I have not used my 8x10 at all, and I have about 20-30 negatives that I still need to develop, but I just have no motivation (nor energy, but mostly, motivation). 

I will continue to practice with my digital camera (in monochrome setting) and my filters. Today, after zooming with my two morning classes, I ate and dug out about a dozen or so dandelions in the front yard, then, despite the over 80 degree Fahrenheit temperatures, I returned to Hidden Valley. It was unusual, though, I saw many police vehicles stationed at the three parking lots. They had their canines with them. Today must have been a training day for the dogs, and I saw officers (in full uniform in the heat) walking out and planting little bundles here and there. I am sure it was for the dogs to find. Thus, there was no walking deep into the trails, I just took a few cursory shots and left. 

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