Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hidden Valley Ranch, I mean, Nature Reserve

 I went back to the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve on a day which was unseasonably hot. We are in early February, mind you, and we are supposed to be typically in the 60s (Fahrenheit), but today, it was almost 80 degrees, and it felt like it. If we had had some clouds it would have been nice, but no, no clouds at all, it was a bare and pitiless blue sky. There was a slight breeze, but it still felt a little uncomfortable. I was at home at 2 p.m., and I thought, I can't stay inside, I have to go out and do something. I have been meaning to return to the Nature Reserve and explore the lower trails at the first parking lot, and I told myself, this is the day to do so, because ordinarily, there is no one parked there, and I am afraid that if I leave my car there, some other car will drive by, see no one there by my car, then break my window and steal something. I reasoned, on a Saturday, there will be more people there, because on weekends people like to go out and be involved in recreation, and if more people are parked in the parking lot, there is likely to be one to notice suspicious activity. Little did I know, but I have now confirmed, yes, many people go to this reserve on the weekend, but they park way, way in the entrance parking lot, where they don't have to go in and pay the $5 car fee. There were a few cars in the first parking lot, and I did go out and walk for two hours, but when I returned, it was empty, just me. The only people who pass by are the riders who lead teams of people who buy rides on horses. They will have to be my eyes. Sie muBen mein augen sein. 

Here are a few cellphone photos, not in the order in which I arrived.

This is the last photo. The shadows were long by now, it was 4:15 p.m. and the reserve closes at 4:30. The ranger had already closed the entrance gate as i was driving out.

There is this little pond I encountered midway through my short hike. It is beautiful, and very humble. There were even ducks here. I love the winter colors, I am not sure I will like it more when the trees are green.

There are these sandy areas if you follow the trails. This trail was closed, and I committed the cardinal sin of ignoring the sign, but the sign was skewed and so I thought it was less official that way. Look at all the tracks! Horses pass through, pedestrians like me and, of course, other animals. 

I like the overhanging branch of the tree as I follow this path. This was near the beginning.

This wild view is from the Toad Path, which is a dead end. (I almost wrote "ned" instead of "end", I think I have a touch of dyslexia.) It was as I was returning to the car.

Open vistas, I wanted to get a clear sight of the mountains with a cap of snow, but the snow has almost completely melted away. I would have liked to have clouds in the sky too. I also took 6x9 photos with HP5+ and Ilford XP2, with a red 25A filter, so I am hoping for some good vistas when I develop them. 

This is a better, more open view that one encounters as one prepares to enter the trails. I like it, it has a savannah feel.

The pond again. I like the winter colors, I am not so sure that I will like it green, but I will hopefully return to see it.

A modest bridge. Did I mention I thought I saw what appeared to be coyotes in the distance? One stopped and looked at me for a long time, and I felt the need to pick up a fallen branch and brandish and wave it.

This was taken as I was leaving. Look at that reddish evening light!

And this was taken as I arrived at about 2:30 p.m. I don't like the path, but I took other photos where I walked into the vegetation and avoided the view of the dirt roads (where horses walk by). There are many, many fleas (or flies) in the vegetation,and of course, I do not feel proud about stepping away from the trails, but I told myself, I did it to get away from horseback riders who were passing next to me and didn't have masks. Plus, I admit it, I wanted the photo. I will publish that one probably tomorrow when I download it from my cellphone.

The haunted hallows. This is a true winter view, nature's memento mori. 

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