Saturday, February 13, 2021

Da Haus! (The Norco Power House)

 These are cellphone photos from my trip on Friday, Feb. 12th, to the Norco Power House as part of my continuing exploration of the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve Center. This was my second time here, the first time, I parked up in a residential area and took a horse trail down here, after circulating round and round and round trying to find the route. The neighborhood has houses, yes, but also big yards with pens for animals, and so I saw horse stables, a cow or two, etc. This time, I just parked at the Hidden Valley parking lot near the entrance and walked east for about half a mile, through the plant nursery. 

The lighting at this time (about 1 p.m.) is all wrong. The sun lights up only one side that abuts the building, but the other side has some wonderful art as well. There are empty spray cans littered all over the place, and shards of glass, and horse feces, and miscellaneous trash, but it is well worth it to come here and see the newest creations. 

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