Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The world is REDONDO, so there I went

 A few cellphone photos of my trip to Redondo Beach, CA. It took an hour and a half to get there, and the way was very winding and long! I had forgotten that this beach was so out-of-the-way, but also, I think I took the longest route. It was about 11:30 a.m., and I was hoping for some clouds, but instead, it was a thick marine layer. There went my hope for infrared and red filter black and white photos. 

When I was a kid we used to come here to spend a few hours over the weekend. I remember it as a seedy, rundown place, and especially, I remember that this was the time when electronic games were being pioneered, and that simple Pong game was something that amazed us. I don't play videogames, and I know I sound old when I write this, but the technology has evolved. I prefer stories without the visual special effects or the frenetic action that pumps your body with continual surges of adrenaline. 

Well, speaking of which, I did experience certain discomfort and shock to the system. There were way too many people walking, riding around or jogging without wearing facemasks. I would move out of the way and they would ignore me, or else, I would see a hardened expression on their faces. No wonder LA county was suffocating with the heavy load of Covid cases recently. Each time one of those people passed by me, I trembled.

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