Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Infrared from the South Coast Botanic Garden (Jan. 22)

 Here are a few 6x9 photos taken with my Fuji GW690ii and JCH Streetpan with an infrared filter. I developed them just yesterday, although I shot them way, way back on January 22nd of this year. (I know, I am kidding, it was only a month ago.) I scanned the roll about an hour ago. The one thing I can say is that my focus is off, and I think I realized it after I completed the roll. I think I was not moving the focus ring to the red marker, so I wasted a roll. Plus, I might have been using f11 and not f16. I really need to be much more careful with my working procedures. I guess I have to either keep trying or bite the bullet and buy a modified Sony mirrorless camera that will take infrared, such as Jim Platel of Tijuana is using. I think I might get there, but the house needs so much work and it will be expensive.

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