Friday, February 26, 2021

Sherman Garden in slides

Taken earlier this week at the Sherman Library and Garden in Corona del Mar, CA. Specifically, it was Feb. 22nd, 2021, and that day was my second trip to this garden. Things have changed. I noticed that they no longer had the statue of the maiden that was present on my first visit, plus, they have cleared away some areas, plus, they had a running railroad display. I was using my Nikon D750, primarily, but I also took my Fuji GW690ii because I wanted to shoot some slides. Surprisingly, they all came out, I received the packaged of developed slides (which follow for one roll) today from the Darkroom. The compositions are not the best, I was winging it with regards to exposure, but I have to train my "inner light meter". Here are the scans from today.

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