Sunday, February 7, 2021

Hidden Valley after the storm (2021)

 The Hidden Valley Nature Reserve in Norco after a few storms hit a few weeks ago. This negative is so much cleaner than the other ones I developed last time! What happened? I think that I might have been overfixing, and that might have caused some problems. This is a 4x5 negative, developed yesterday in a batch with 5 other sheets. I developed for 12 minutes (because I thought the negative might be thin), and I was right, the negative looks well exposed, but my other sheets (with a different subject matter) are "thick as a brick". And I fixed for only 4 minutes this time, not 6 as I was doing before. It is settled, shorter fixing time is better, but also, the software cleaned up much dust and gave the scan a slight artificial look. 

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