Saturday, February 13, 2021

Last bit of the trip to Hidden Valley

 And here is the last batch of cellphone photos of my three-hour trip to Hidden Valley on Friday. There were these Pooh dolls strung up at several locations, and they disconcerted me. I wonder what matter of cult they involve, and if it is innocent or a sign of something sinister. I tried to hurry by there.

The trees are austere, and there are patches where some kind of tractor has been involved in cutting down the bamboo shoots that stick straight up. I wonder if they will turn green in the spring and summer. 

The clouds had pretty much ambled away by then, so there went my dramatic skies. The modest rain seems not to have left any snow on the San Gabriel mountains to the north, but the San Bernardino mountains are another story. 

I appreciate having this place so close to me. There are other trails and parks nearby, and I will try to explore them.

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