Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Back to Hidden Valley

 I am determined to explore the range of trails for the Santa Ana River. Now that I have found another gateway, which is the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve, I want to continue to follow the trails as they cross the city of Riverside. I had encountered them before, of course, when I used to walk around the foot of Mt. Rubidoux, which I won't climb anymore because people herd together as they insist on climbing up that hill, but I had seen the trails and walked along part of them. The thing is, the trails there are not as scenic, and there are many, many, many homeless camps within the line of trees. You see evidence of their settlements everywhere, and I don't feel safe. Sometimes I would pass by and hear, hidden behind trees, arguments between people, and I would think, if one of them were attacking someone else, would I intervene? 

The trails along the Hidden Valley Reserve are different. They are more open, and I think they are regularly patrolled. It also helps that there are many equestrians wandering along them. They will see and report homeless settlements, so from what I have seen, that whole area feels safer (except for the thrill and anguish when I see wild coyotes or a bobcat). And, the views are so much more spectacular.

Today, after Zooming all morning and feeling as if my throat was scraped clean, I felt I had to go out. The clouds were with us all day, but they started to open up for patches of sunlight after noon. I left at about 1:45 and arrived at about 2:15 p.m. (I checked my phone), and I determined, today's adventure entailed walking east along the trail, not immersing myself in the trees, just sticking to the path on top and going if I could all the way to Van Buren Blvd. 

I almost made it. By the time I was within 10 minutes of the street, I told myself that I shouldn't push it, I needed to get back because I needed to budget one hour to return by 4:30 p.m. when the park closes. In retrospect, I could have easily made it, but I have to confess, the soles of my feet feel uncomfortable, and I feel uncomfortable with my backpack and heavy camera (the Fuji GW690ii), so I wanted to head back, and I knew it would be a long walk. Total walking time: about one hour and a half, but it seemed longer. 

Here are a few cellphone photos:

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