Friday, February 19, 2021

Color photos from the Arboretum

 These are photos from my last visit to the Arboretum a few weeks ago. I scanned them on Friday night, Feb. 19th, after I had placed an order for more film. I kept looking at these images and I just could not identify the garden, but finally, it was a tree in bloom with an Asian family underneath that jarred my memory. The tree was beautiful, and I wanted to get a photo of it by itself, with no people under or near it, but the family would not leave (it was a grandmother, a young woman and children). So I didn't get a chance to photograph it. I did photograph another beautiful tree with pink blossoms, and it appears in the images that follow. 

These photos were taken with my Fuji GW690ii. The scanner adds a purple line in some of the images, unfortunately. However, I have no complaints about the camera. I have been using it quite extensively in these years of the pandemic, and I am glad I bought it several years ago, although it is heavy and there is a smudge in the lens (inside the glass). 

Here are the scans:

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