Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Out and about with the Kraken

 Last Monday, after I had finished with my MRI at the hospital in the city by the river, I drove to get some lunch. I was starving, and I had wanted to get something from Albertos. It was also about 10 a.m., and I had plenty of time to drive to Magnolia Avenue and go to the Riverwalk. I wrote about this in a previous post, and I posted a few cellphone photos. Well, I took the Kraken 6x12 camera, the one that I can't get to focus at infinity. I am going to switch the 135 lens with another one that I have, and I should have done so earlier, but for now, I have a string of rolls that have images that are unfocused. Well, I took it with me again to the Riverwalk, thinking I would be sneaky and figure out a way to get better results.

It is fun to use, and very lightweight, and who doesn't want to have 6x12 images that have edge-to-edge sharpness, in contrast with the blurriness that I obtain with my Holgapan 6x12? I took it but no, no slide film, black and white. I had two rolls, and these are scans from my HP5+ roll.

How did I try to be sneaky? Well, it was a bright day, so I figured, I could use Sunny 16. The film is rated at 400 ISO, which would translate to f16 at 1/400 speed. I went ahead and set the lens to f32, and I used 1/100. My sneakiness was to focus for closer than infinity, but use a small aperture. I thought I could do it.

Here is my first image off the bat. 

And here it is, screenshot-sharpened and no contrast-boost:

I think I did more or less well, but I detect blurriness. I will have to exchange that lens and see if I can get it closer to the film plane, it is off by one or two millimeters. That way, with infinity focus, I would really take this camera everywhere. It is fun to use, and although I don't quite trust the view I get in the printed screenfinder, it is approximately correct. 

I will upload a few more photos from this roll. With 6x12 images, you get six to a roll. 

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