Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pomona (Kraken Camera, close focus)

And here are a few scanned black and white images I took with the Kraken 3D printed camera. The lens cone is the wrong length, and that is why I can't focus at infinity, but I thought I would try to work with it for closeups. I was using HP5+, so that I would have more latitude with aperture and film speed. I used 1/100 for the speed, but since it was not a particularly bright day, being more on the cloudy and hazy side, I could not close down the aperture as much as I wanted. The focus was set for three feet (yes, three feet, I checked it with a loupe and a ground glass on the film plane!), and I was using either f16 or f22, hoping I would get enough depth of focus for subjects that were close to me (about three feet). I would not use it for buildings, much less big landscapes, since I know it can't focus on infinity. So, here are my results for this one roll. I should have gotten six images, but one was unexposed (I wound past it). I used Arista Developer for 9 and a half minutes, and 5 minutes in fix. The results are mixed. I did get part in focus, but I can't believe I didn't get more depth of field at f22. 

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