Wednesday, February 10, 2021

New Covid Toll (Update)

 The Covid toll is looking very grim. It looks as if we will reach half a million dead here in the United States by next week. I know that Biden had said that we should expect to reach over 600,000, but the way the numbers look, he was being optimistic. It looks to me as if we will be reaching one million dead by the summer. It is unfathomable, unbelievable, macabre and horrendous, all the adjectives of extreme plight that we can think of, and yet, we still see Trump followers in public places, walking around and refusing to wear masks because they feel that Covid is a liberal plot, or an invented ruse. The right-wing conservative believers have really chosen the path of fantasy, of grievance, of rebellion and of rejection of common values.

Here are the numbers from Worldmeters. I know that people seem to believe that the tally from John Hopkins is more credible, and it is usually a little behind this one, but I can't make heads or tails of the information they publish. They qualify and compartmentalize and hide all of it so that you really have to be an alchemist to extract the number you want, which is the total reported death toll from Covid. That is why I refer to Worldmeters.

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