Monday, March 29, 2021

A few color images from Corona del Mar beach 2021

 These were a few 6x9 compositions taken with my Fuji GW690ii a few weeks ago. They were taken after my visit to the Sherman Library and Garden. I don't know what happened. This is color film, and the negatives look terrible. This is Portra 160 color film from who know when. It cannot be expired, I think. I must have bought it a few years ago, although it has been rolling around in my bag of film for a long time. I don't know what happened. By the way, I detest the sense of invulnerability of the people who live next to this beach. So many of them do not wear facemasks. It is as if they are daring Covid to strike at them. They have no concern about public safety, this is all narcissism here. But, the location is noteworthy, and there is always a bikini model being photographed.

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