Monday, March 8, 2021

Rose Parade Bandfest 1996 (pt. 1)

 Scanned images from the Rose Parade Bandfest 1996. There were two locations, one was next to the actual Rose Bowl and the other was Jackie Robinson Stadium on the campus of Pasadena City College. These photos are from the Rosae Bowl performance on the asphalt. At least it wasn't blazing hot as it would be, for example, during marching band season in September and October here in California, but still, it couldn't have been comfortable for the performers to do their movements on that surface rather than on a field with sod. It was not comfortable for us, the viewers, because there was simply not enough room at that site, they were holding a festival and they just blocked off a portion with grandstand bleachers (aluminum at that) to have us sit, and for me, I needed a clear view as well as one that was not crunched in the middle of the spectators. So I sat in front of the aluminum bleachers, on the asphalt, and there was yellow tape obscuring part of my view too, but these difficulties just give flavor to the memories. 

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