Saturday, March 6, 2021

Saturday night, scanning, scanning, scanning

Here are a few photos of my visit to the LA Arboretum in Arcadia, CA, a few months back. They might be from early 2021, or late 2020, I am not sure. I used Rollei 400 Infrared film, and yes, I am not happy with the photos. The depth of field is terrible, but I might have gone to f8 so that I could handhold the camera at a high enough shutter speed, but it didn't work. The photos are moody, but too blurry for my taste. I would have loved tack-sharp, and much greater depth of field. It just goes to show, I need a tripod when taking infrared film. The format (6x9) tells me that I must have been using the Fuji GW690ii. 

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