Sunday, March 21, 2021

Scans with different settings (SD Japanese Garden)

 These are problem frames from my roll of slide film. Quite frankly, there was not enough light, and the range was too great. In the first case, I tried to scan without specifying any other options for correction, then in the second, I hit the color correction and the backlight correction options. 

This first frame was very dark when I scanned it with no options except for dust removal. I brightened it by increasing light levels, but that was after the scan. If I had taken it when there was more light....

This is the same image, but with color correction and backlight correction. It came out garish, in my opinion.

This one is a straight scan of the slide. This is the way the slide looks to me when I look at it.

Backlight and color correction while scanning. It looks garish to me. 

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