Saturday, March 6, 2021

Another 8x10 negative

 This time, a composition from a visit to the Alta Vista Garden in Vista, CA. I don't know what attracted me to this view, maybe the need to take a photo because, otherwise, the subject is just not compelling. I remember taking it and, off to the side, an Anglo family was admiring the small lake. This negative was very, very thin, which means, it was underexposed very significantly. That tells me, then, that I was probably using Catlabs 80 film, but I thought I must have been using Foma 200. I am pretty sure I was using my red filter. Not a good image, but better than my prior one. Developed for 11 minutes in Arista 76, in my 20th Century Camera reel, in my Patterson tank. Scanned in office mode in my Epson V600.

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