Sunday, March 21, 2021

Heritage Park in Santa Fe Springs

These are 120 film negatives taken with my Fuji GW690ii. I took them in early March, I think, when I went to pick up an order of film from Freestyle Sales in Santa Fe Springs. I was just in the mood for photographing something. I am using no meter, just sunny 16 and estimating exposure. 

This creek and pond is in a very shady area. I think I still used 1/60 but went down to f5.6 for aperture. It didn't work, because I lost the shady areas, but then again, as they say, the dynamic range with slide film is limited.

For these last two images of the creek, I also opened up the aperture, but still, the slides were very dark. I had to increase exposure in software.

I can't afford a professional meter, but I am sorely tempted to buy one of those inexpensive Chinese Keck meters that you mount on top of your camera. They are $50, I think I can afford that. The Reveni meter costs double that, but I am holding out for the Reveni Spot Meter, but that won't be available until summer, probably. But maybe I can hold out.

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