Friday, March 26, 2021

Back in Power (pt. 2)

This is the exterior shot of the Norco Power House. I guess I just need to get as close as I can to the building, because with the Schneider Angulon 121mm lens, even though I was just a few feet away, it looks as if I was much further. I went early in the morning hoping that the sun in the east would light up more of the side of the building as one approaches, but no, it doesn't happen. That will always be, as they say about a certain Pink Floyd album, the "Dark Side of the Moon". I used a red filter, but still, the negative was very thin. I developed in Arista d76, in developer that I was reusing. Yes, there seems to be a light leak towards one end. I will have to be careful, because I have now loaded this film holder with Fuji Provia 8x10 slide film, and I don't want to waste that film. Black and white Foma 200 is one thing at $4 a sheet (a box of 50 sheets for $200), but the Provia cost me $300 for 20 sheets. 

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