Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cellphone photos of Stagecoach Museum in Newberry Park

 And here are a few cellphone photos from my last site to visit on Saturday, March 20th, 2021, during my trip to Ventura county. They look much, much better than my 4x5 frames. I know, I know, sometimes I say the same to myself, what am I doing spending so much time, effort and money with film photography? All I can say is that it is a different process, and that is what appeals to me. Plus, a successful image with film is much more satisfying to me than a good image with my cellphone.

The big building at the site:

Behind the building, the nature trail. It is very modest, the area is very small and densely developed.

Yes, it looks wild, but it is not. Behind the trees, buildings.

The Chumash recreated site:

The displays inside the adobe hut. These were the Hispanos and Mexicans who were displaced by Anglos.

The oven in front of the Adobe house. It reminds or evokes for me the Vagina Monologues, for some reason. I wonder why.

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