Sunday, March 21, 2021

Hidden Valley again

 Here are a few 4x5 negatives I developed yesterday (Sat, March 20th) in the same reel I used to develop my four sheets taken from my Ventura county trip yesterday. These came out so much better. They were taken a few weeks (or over a month ago) at the Hidden Valley Reserve. I remember I took that trip with the Travelwide because I wanted to explore new paths but, also, because I wanted to finish up my Foma film, and use some Ektopan. I do not know what film I was using, so I can't specify it. The negatives are so much better than what I obtained otherwise. I remember that I was using my red 25A filter too.

For this one, I had backlight correction turned on. It was too bright.

This second scan of the same scene on the negative is without backlight correction.

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