Saturday, March 27, 2021

Pt. Fermin Lighthouse in San Pedro, CA

Well, I had to get out today. I hadn't done anything this week except go to the Hidden Valley Reserve on Monday to take some 8x10 photos, and it was a very busy week for me. I subbed for a colleague, and it was time-consuming and very tiring. I also had to do much preparation, and on the days when I was not Zooming, I just couldn't make it out. I was feeling terrible, with intense stomach cramps (which were probably due to the adverse effects of my diabetes medication). So, today was Saturday, this marks the beginning of my Spring Break, and I had to do something.

I went to several places. This one was the last on my itinerary. It was a trip to the Pt. Fermin Lighthouse, in San Pedro, CA. It is right next to Pt. Fermin Park, all the way at the end of the road when you take the 110 freeway south. It was a pleasant park, and I definitely want to photograph this building again. Also, if I can find the stairway down, I want to photograph the seashore. 

Off to the west, in the ocean, you can see the islands. I take it they are the Catalina Islands, and they are very big. With clouds and the right lighting, this could be a dramatic photo. Today, it was just very, very bright sunlight, with nary a cloud in sight. 

The park was very busy. It was my first time there, and the park caters mostly to working class Latinos. They were camped out in all the tables and benches, eating food. I had to navigate around them because the overwhelming majority were not wearing facemasks. I hate to put it this way, but members of the working classes, whatever their ethnic groups, just don't do so. So, I felt uncomfortable. 

I will have to return, though. The cliff views are just too astounding, and I only photographed from the top, since I didn't find the stairway down. Imagine a sunset down below, looking up the cliffs. Wow.

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