Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The Historical Mural at Chicano Park

 And here are a few cellphone photos of the historical mural at Chicano Park. There were many people coming by today on a Tuesday morning (and afternoon, I was there until about 2 p.m.) to take a gander at the murals, with some toting DSLR cameras. I have to admit, I was nervous when I saw several young Latinos who, to my mind, looked like possible gangmembers. I am not saying this because they were simply Latino, I am saying this because they had the clothing, the tattoos and because they gave me intimidating looks. But fortunately nothing happened. 

This mural was in the shade, and the sun was accosted by clouds during my time there, so the lighting was very flat. I had to increase light levels for all these photos. Plus, they are Facebook copies, and when they are uploaded to Facebook, a cellphone of 1-2 Mb is reduced tenfold. But the magic is still there for me.

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