Thursday, March 4, 2021

Hidden Valley in digital black and white (pt. 1)

 Today was a Zoom teaching day. It was also the day after a very slight rainfall yesterday. I didn't go out and exercise or go anywhere yesterday because of it, and today, I told myself, teaching be damned, I wil go out and take photos. The only thing is, I was limited to a spot nearby. Where else? The same place I have been visiting regularly, the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve.

As I listened (or was regaled) by Dr. Garland's lectures on Mesopotamia and Egypt, I drove to Trumptown USA, that is, Norco. I still feel very uneasy when I drive through here, but the reserve is worth it. 

I arrived a little after 9 a.m., and contrary to what I had thought, we had a comfortable walk to the Power House. I thought it would be chillingly cold in the morning, but no, it was fine. This time, to make it different, I didn't take my film camera, I took my Nikon DSLR, the 750, and shot in monochrome, with a red 25A filter.

It was peaceful, but I am beginning to want variety. I have trudged through many of the nearer paths, I need to find something new. The Power House was undisturbed, no photographers with models today. It was all mine.

There was a small cap of snow on the San Gabriel mountains. With more rain, it would have been more snow, but it was just a modest shower yesterday. Enough to feed the plants, but then, more days of earnest thirst. This, I fear, will be a year of more drought. El niño is probably a thing of the past.

I walked to the other end, almost. I had my back brace on, and I felt comfortable. It is really helping me. Now, if only my sugar levels were lower in the morning. They are still very high, above 150, even though I am doubling my dose of Glypizide. I fear that what the nursing attendant warned me is coming to pass. She said my body might start becoming resistant to diabetes medication.

Back home by 11:30, with faux Chinese food from Panda Express. It was tasty. I was going to do some yardwork but not today, the grown sons (and daughters) of the neighbor who passed away were there in force today, and it would have been uncomfortable to face them. I miss seeing the neighbor. I hardly every spoke to her, but I did greet her regularly, and it was comforting to see her every day. Now, she is gone. Just like when I see my dad's photo, I can't believe they are gone.

I zoomed, and I was very, very busy preparing my Powerpoint lectures. Then, bliss at 5:15 p.m. I was done. Tomorrow, I would like to go pick up my film order from Freestyle, then, maybe, go to Descanso Gardens. I have not shot that garden with a DSLR. Also, the blossoms are in bloom.

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