Friday, March 19, 2021

Hidden Valley with Autocord 2021 (pt. 1)

 Here are a few scans of slide images I took at the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve. I used my Minolta Autocord. I am not sure if these are before I sent my camera to be repaired. I do remember, however, that when I was taking these photos, I noticed that the aperture control was moving by itself. I would set it and take a few shots, but then, lo and behold, I saw that it had moved and had opened up, thus severely overexposing a few frames. I was using f16, but it was open to about 3.5. I think it might be a problem from the repair, if these are from after I sent it in, because I also noticed that infinity focus seems blurry to me. I will try another roll and see how them come out. If problems persist, I will have to sent it back and get it fixed. One thing I can say, the lens on this camera is stellar. 

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