Monday, March 15, 2021

Alta Vista with 8x10

 As Annie Lennox used to sing so, so long ago, when I was young and in college and it seemed that the world was in my reach, "Here comes the rain again....". And it came, not too heavy, but it was with us from the early morning. So, it is a day to stay inside again. 

I developed a few rolls and two sheets of 8x10 film. Here is one of my scans of one negative, from Alta Vista Gardens. I used my Willtravel camera, but the only thing I can surmise is that I forgot that I was using Catlabs 80 film. I also must have been using a red filter. What happened, then, is that the negative is about two stops underexposed (at least). I recognize one of Ricardo Braceda's sculptures. It has been almost two months since I have used that 8x10 camera.

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