Friday, November 20, 2020

A trip to the beach

 It has been a long time since I have been to the beach. By long, I mean, several months. I live in a community that is about 60 miles inland from the coast, and one would imagine any person in that circumstance would leap for any chance to go to see the coastline. The surf, the skies, the air, the sea beckons. But I have not gone, I am an inland person, although I still love the coast. Today I decided, since I did not have any Zoom classes to teach, I would go, and I did. I went to Newport Beach. 

The community, I have to say, upsets me. The people are, in a word, relentlessly prosperous. They are prosperous in a way that says, I don't give a sh*t about anyone else, I will walk around without a face mask and lounge where I like and stare at people who are not Caucasian. That is what I mean. It is not a pretty place, despite the beach being sublime.

I walked around during this, which was my first time to this community. Yes, half a century living in California, and this is my first visit to this beach community, but as I said, the communities of southern Orange County have a reputation (to which they live up to) of being, in a word, relentlessly prosperous. 

I wanted to make a quick visit, but I was astounded to find that I spent about an hour and a half. I went to two "inspiration" or "lookout" points. There were few people, relatively speaking. These are not the beaches of Los Angeles county, these are beaches for the high and wealthy, and I saw several houses that still sport Trump signs. Yes, I muttered to myself, I would find those people here.

I took some photos with my 4x5 camera as well, mostly black and white. I just developed them and they are in the bathroom, drying. They came out nicely! I overdeveloped because I was tired of the thin negatives I have been getting. I will probably scan and upload them on Saturday. These are my cellphone photos.

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