Sunday, November 15, 2020

More photos from the statue garden at Cerritos

 Here are more photos from my trip to the City of Cerritos Sculpture Garden. I went on Saturday, Nov. 14th, on a whim, wishing to discover a new place and take different kinds of photos. This is from my first batch, when I had just arrived.

This is the entranceway. It is a small garden.

Not sure what this sculpture represents. It must refer to balance, but it looks like an emblem on a car. 

Beautiful statues, but the light was all wrong for me to take photos of them. I had to struggle and increase the light levels. It was blazing bright outside.

Love this imposing photo. She looks to me like Hera, the wife of Zeus, but I don't know who she represents. She has to be a mythological figure.

This is the other entrance to the garden, and this one is facing the street.

Those two young women to the right were taking turns taking photos of each other. They were also watching the other groups who were taking photos of each other. I guess they wanted to use those same locations too. 

Just one more batch of photos from this visit to upload, but I really want to move forward. I have plenty of photos from my trip today (Sunday, Nov. 15th) to the California Botanic Garden.

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