Thursday, November 26, 2020

Brand Park - What happened?

 Here are a few 4x5 photos from my trip a few weeks ago (last month, as I recall) to Brand Park in Glendale, CA. I was using black and white film and I developed them. They actually came out! I think I figured out my problem for the ruined negatives I had before. I think it was that I was using a dilute fix. I was using one part in 9 when mixing it, when it says clearly that it should be one part in four. I was underfixing, and I think that is what caused the problem. I say this because these negatives were Arista 200 film (except for one of them), so I think that explains it. 

The Brand Library, a Moorish-style white building next to the Japanese garden. It is a beautiful building. I suppose it should be fitting that it is located in Glendale, a place called "Little Armenia", which as we know, is a nationality that comes from the middle east and is used to Islamic architecture (even though, of course, they are Christian). By the way, Armenia lost in the skirmishes with Azerbaijan and will have to retreat from a large part of Nagorno-Karabakh. I still saw many cars flying Armenian flags as I was driving up to Brand Park. Oh, and one last thing. I was using a red 25A filter.

I don't know what happened, nor am I even sure this is Arista 200 film. The negative was almost completely dark. I could see this image, so that is why I saved and scanned it, but it doesn't look like the other negatives. I think it might be either HP5+ that was massively overexposed, or something else happened. It is a stature next to the trails that overlook this park. I would have like to climb up this trail but I had limited time, since I needed to get on the highway by 1 p.m. to avoid the miserable rush hour traffic east. 

This is the Japanese Garden at Brand Park. I think I ruined a few of my other negatives from this location because of my unfortunate accident with underfixing. No filter on this one. I need to return.

The gazebo at the other end of the Japanese garden at Brand Park. Wow, oh wow, I remember going here about fifteen to twenty years ago when I was a member of a photo club that held shoots here. I wish I had taken better advantage of those days. 

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