Thursday, November 26, 2020

One more from the Santa Fe Springs Sculpture Garden

 Here is another negative that I developed yesterday (Wednesday), the day before Thanksgiving. I was in the mood to develop something.

It was taken on Nov. 23rd at the Santa Fe Springs Sculpture Garden in Santa Fe Springs, CA. I arrived there shortly after noon, and it was a bright day, with clouds. There was a slight breeze, and as I was seeing in a recent video by another photographer, when one takes pinhole cameras, one has to be especially attuned to movement. We cannot really photography when there is any appreciable breeze because, if we are doing closeups, it will end up blurring what is already likely to be a soft-focus pinhole image.

The exposure was of the pond and small cascade, and I was shooting right into a bright sky. I gave it about 30 seconds, and it was too much. I think I could have gotten away with only 15 seconds. I would like to try this again, but with a red filter in front of the pinhole. I need to make the sky less overwhelmingly bright.

I had difficulty inverting this image. I really can't do it with the primitive software I have on my Mac. I would probably have been luck with Photoshop, but it is on a laptap I hardly ever use. I think I will need to purchase a subscription to Photoshop/Lightroom next year, but not this year. 

So, the 8x10 pinhole that I recently purchased shows much promise. If this had been the pinhole camera I received, instead of the other one I had started using, I don't think I would have gambled so much money on the 3D printed 8x10 camera. I wish it had been this one. 

I'll try the Catlabs 80 film once again.

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