Monday, November 30, 2020

Trip to Seal Beach

 Today was Monday. As I write this, it is 10:54 p.m., and I'll be going to bed shortly, so I am speaking in the past tense. I am listening to a Patreon stream by Nico's Photography Show on my tablet also. I just finished developing one 8x10 pinhole image (of a building in downtown Riverside, CA) and six sheets of 4x5. I also prepared a few Powerpoints for my classes today. I think I was very busy.

Here are a few cellphone photos of my trip to Seal Beach, CA. I went today because, well, because I had to do something. No trip to the big gardens like I was initially planning, and this despite the fact that Descanso and the Huntington Library are publishing photos of the changing colors on the trees at their gardens. The thing is, it is too much work for me right now. So, I went to a beach where I used to go with my family when I was a child. It has been a long, long time since I went there. Probably since Vince Ferragamo was quarterback for the LA Rams. Look it up, that reference probably dates to the late 70s.

It was basically deserted. The pier is deserted, just a few fishermen and a few people walking up and down. The pier is bare, there is no restaurant at the end. Also, very few benches beyond the midway point. It is bare, and I don't know if they did that on purpose, so people wouldn't be tempted to walk out to that end and congregate in times of a pandemic.

It was a sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. This despite the big cloud I saw this morning when I woke up, which had me hoping I would have some variety in the skies. But no, nothing. The good thing is that it was warm, too. I wore a sweater, and felt comfortable, but I saw a few men shirtless here and there. The sun felt friendly, not like an unforgiving overseer. 

So, tomorrow I return to teaching. Plus, we have the inspector from SoGal Gas to see why we can't turn on the heater. Plus, I just want to rest and relax, so I tell myself, whatever the inspector says, if it turns out the heater doesn't work, do not panic. We went by several months this past winter without it working, so we can make it again.

Nothing to do now but load this camera and go out and shoot, as Azriel Knight says. :) 

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