Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Leaving the San Bernardino Mountains

 And these are a few of my cellphone photos as I was driving back down the mountain. Many of these colors are just mesmerizing. I love to see this, I was in a wonderland, and as I said as I taped a message, I wish I had discovered the mountains when I was in my teens, instead of having passed so much of my time in the sweltering lowlands. I didn't even experience snow until I was in Kansas, in my late 30s. I spent far too much of my time in Los Angeles, and far too much time in rooms, depressed and reading books.

The warm colors of the sun accentuated the trees, but of course, I could not shoot into the west. Still, the warmth was appreciated. That is the thing about these mountains, they run basically on an axis of north-south, while the San Gabriel mountains are east-west. I think I will have more options there, but the San Bernardino mountains are still magical. I also took some 6x9 photos and some 4x5 photos. I have no desire to develop black and white now, nor anytime soon, but eventually, I will. I will leave those (and the two 4x5 slides) as a hidden treasure to be opened at leisure. The two rolls of 6x9, one color, one black and white infrared (JCH Streetpan) will have to wait too. I also started a roll of slide film in 6x9.

It was an uneventful trip back. CA-18, then 215, then 91, and it wasn't that bad, although there was a panicky moment when the car in front of me quickly stopped and I had to hit the brakes. You can't take anything for granted.

More to come later.

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