Thursday, November 12, 2020

And the Pumpkin was ruined too

 My photos of the rocks at the Pumpkin Trail in Norco were also terrible. Different location, different loaded reel, so I couldn't have actually screwed up twice with loading reels. The first is my original, the second, with contrast increased by me with software. 

For some reason, this frame came out acceptably well. I can't explain it. Grainy as heck but acceptable, not "encandilado", as they say in Spanish, but the word escapes me in English right now. 

I'm going back but with my 4x5 Travelwide and Ektopan film. Not tomorrow, but I will be going back to the Norco trail, hopefully soon. But I still need to figure out why two rolls of JCH Streetpan with photos taken at different locations were ruined. 

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