Monday, November 30, 2020

Disaster at the steps

This past Saturday, Nov. 28th, I went down to San Diego to take a few photos. It was my mini-road trip. I was itching to go because I wanted to also try my 8x10 wood pinhole with other photos.

Well, as long as I was driving down on the 5 freeway, I knew I had to stop by San Luis Rey, so I did. I took two photos, one of the church front (which I have not developed yet) and one with the steps. Well, as I was trying to insert the slide back in the holder after the stair shot, I found to my considerable consternation that it would not go in. I did not want to scrunch the film negative I had in there, I did that before with another negative that had stuck in my 4x5 camera, so I didn't want to ruin that exposure. I tried would I could, and at some point, I laid it on the ground next to some bushes and tried to gently but firmly slide it back in. I think the mask I used to seal up the pinhole fell off, so that would explain why the photo came out the way it did, with an overlay of what seems to be bushes. I "messed up", in coloquial language.

So, the exposure was ruined. What did I do to salvage the negative? Well, since I couldn't insert the slide once again, I drove off (I should have just thrown out this negative and taken another exposure!) and went to a 99 cent store, and bought two envelopes, then inserted the whole camera into my changing back and extracted the negative, put it into the envelopes and stored it rolled over in my back seat. I was hoping against hope to save some kind of image, but it was not to be. I will have to go back and take this shot again. 

Exposure was about 40 seconds. As I have found with my Mission San Diego exposure, I think I can get away with 20 seconds. That wood 8x10 camera is very fast.

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