Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Back at Heritage Park

These are a few quick images I took at Heritage Park in Santa Fe Springs, CA. I wanted to investigate the problem I was having with clouded negatives, and nonexistent images. (More on that later.) So, I loaded my 4x5 film holders with HP5+ and went to this location (and the next-door Sculpture Garden). Nothing spectacular with the compositions, I just wanted to take a few shots and take them immediately home. This is 400 speed film, and when I was at the park, I decided not to use the red 25A filter I almost always use with outdoor shots in black and white, just in case it was the filter that was clouding or eliminating my images.

So, I developed last night with the cold, cold, cold water coming out of the tap. All my HP5+ images turned out fine. I gave it about 10 minutes of development when ordinarily it should be about 7.5 (or 8) minutes. That was fine, I reasoned, just in case it was weak developer.

No artifacts on the negatives and they came out perfectly, to my mind. So, I know that the HP5+ film is fine. Now, I just have to try again with my Arista film. (I think I know what the problem is.)

It was a day with cloudy sunlight yesterday. It was a little frosty outside. 

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