Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday night at the elections

 The election has still not been settled, but it won't be long now. Biden has the lead, and they are still finishing with counting. It is taking longer, they say, because of the quantity of mail-in ballots. Trump is making threatening noises, I sure wish that Twitter would ban him, but they won't, Trump has already threatened to remove protections against internet companies if they "censor" his offensive speech. So, we will still have to put up with this. It won't be long now. I feel a little better now, the anxiety was overwhelming at the beginning, but now, it is better. 

We have rain forecast for this weekend. So much for plans to go out and do something, although who knows, if the rain is light then I will drive out to a pier and try to capture sunset if we have clouds. Or maybe, just stay at home and prepare Powerpoint lectures for my students. 

A photo from my visit to the LA Arboretum last week, on Friday, Oct. 30th. Of course it had to be an infrared photo, the JCH Streetpan 400 film and the Rollei IR 400 film are my favorites right now, although the Rollei in 120 size is not available from Freestyle nor from B&H. I do need to think about buying more JCH Streetpan because that is available, but also, this is the time for autumn colors, so maybe I should save my money for color slide film.

As they say, who needs money? Buy film and stay poor (but be creatively satisfied).

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