Monday, November 30, 2020

One photo from the California Botanic Garden

Well, today was the day to pick up some film from the Irvine photo lab that I use. I dropped by after my short trip to Seal Beach. The film has been ready for the past three weeks, but I was always waiting for them to tell me my slides were ready. They won't be until the end of this week, they are having problems with their slide processing machine (dip and dunk for 4x5), so I went with the intention of picking everything up and taking my slides (mail order) to another Orange County lab, but they promised this week, so I will give them one more chance.

Today I picked up 8 rolls of black and white JCH Streetpan 400 and also two rolls of color. All of these rolls are 6x9 photos. I was especially waiting to see the infrared JCH photos. I looked, and the negatives are thin, but they are usable. Of course, I can process black and white 120 rolls at home, but I had those episodes with rolls from my visit to Glendale that came out disastrously. (It turned out it was weak fixer.) So, I doubted myself and took them to the lab. It was expensive, $53.88 for these rolls, but as they say, use film and stay poor. The satisfaction will come in other ways.

The photos are of a recent visit to the California Botanic Garden. They are dusty as hell, and I did correct some of the dust and light noodles, but they are still dusty. But I like the images. These are four images from a roll of eight. I love the eerie look, as if they were night scenes. Trust me, it was the middle of some very bright days. I love the look of infrared because it transports me to another dimension. It is, indeed, another wavelength.

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