Friday, January 1, 2021

A few more from the Botanic Garden

 Last Wednesday, Dec. 30th, I went out to the California Botanic Garden. I wanted to use my 8x10 Willtravel camera, but after loading my film holders, I just couldn't do it. I didn't want to lug all that weight around with me, so I traveled light. I picked up my Minolta Autocord, took a few rolls of JCH Streetpan 400, and resolved to take some infrared photos. I developed the rolls yesterday, but as we were awaiting the passing of the dying year, I didn't post them. Well, here are a few images. Remember, these are infrared photos. Second, I forgot that when shooting in infrared, you are supposed to focus closer than the actual distance of your subject. And lastly, I was handholding at 1/15th of a second, which is an iffy proposition. Thus, a few of the images look blurry to me, and they could be because of the infrared focusing distance or the slow shutter speed. I think I did nail focus on the viewscreen of the TLR, though.

Happy New Year. I feel very sad, but I want to move forward. I think about my dad and my aunt. They left one after the other, my aunt passing only a year and a half after my dad did. My mom told me something that was meant to comfort me, but it is small comfort. She said that my aunt used to say that my dad had a wonderful passing, he left without suffering from a long and incapacitating illness. No hizo cama, as they say, he was not forcibly confined to a bed. It was quick, with minimal suffering since he was unconscious. Well, my aunt left the same way. It still doesn't make it any easier, but we have to try to find small comfort where we can.

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